blissing of introspection

mercredi 6 juillet 2011

in search of the red wall

We all should look for the edge, our edge, i know i need to.
My biggest fear is that i would start drowning in the thick water of conformism.
That i would just start doing things just because other people do.
That i would stop wanting only the best from life and just accept what TV tells me, what the government imposes upon me and do what i've been programmed to do: fear.

i believe in this equation: artist = ?+!
Art is the best thing you can use to wake up from the Western Dream, but art can also become a tool of that dream, the painting on the wall that would make a mental institution look nice and the people in it forget where they are.
When i feel like art is used this way i feel like painting a wall in red, so i cannot fall asleep to the dream, be smoothly rocked by the illusion.
The red wall facing me would say: "Hi there! i'm there, i believe this world is going to change."

I feel like often as an artist i'm asked to be weither methaphorical than explicite (you know it's more comfortable for somebody to tell you a poem about revolution than having him pull a coup d'etat on you or to hear a woman say "my soul is bursting" weither than actually see the explosion of tears) so i decided to paint my wall, any wall, in red. It will be my way to remember that i wasn't given art as a gift but a duty.
We are researchers, freedom fighters, weither daydreamers than nightdreamers. Let's face it WE HAVE THE MIC AS MUCH (EVEN MORE) THAN POLITICIANS. PEOPLE LISTEN, LOOK, WATCH, TASTE, APPLAUDE, HATE, LOVE...US! WE CAN'T FEED THE THIRSTY HEARS WITH SILENCE.

My Red Wall is the noise, the alarm clock, the light in the dark.
As i don't have the paint yet, i put a post-it written "i wanna paint you in red" on my chosen wall, so until i get the paint i don't forget the wake up call.
